Business Building through Leadership Development

Coaching For Business Leaders & Executives

Does your organization sometimes feel like a house of cards?

Is your business foundation or team feel weak? Do you sense that your group is out of alignment with your board, other departments or your strategic plan? 

Maybe you have the vision, but you need help drafting the blueprint. Maybe you have the blueprint but you can’t see the best way to build. Either way, we partner with you to draft, build and polish your leadership playbook which creates fundamental change in your business. Here are a few examples of how we serve executives in their business building:

  • A structured process which articulates your personal leadership blueprint

  • Tools to help you influence the right people

  • Leverage your time to be proactive instead of reactive

  • Create systems that benefit both you and the organization

  • Create a Leader’s Dashboard which provides direction and focus

  • Design meetings and a common team language for increased effectiveness

  • Communicate powerfully and simply & prepare for critical conversations

  • Use assessments such as DiSC and 360 evaluations to determine strategic priorities and strengthen team communication

Workshop Facilitation

The Six Types of Working Genius Workshop Team Effectiveness Workshop

The Six Types of Working Genius create an interdependent model and provide a comprehensive process for accomplishing any type of work. Each genius receives and/or gives something to adjacent geniuses, creating a workflow leading from Ideation (Wonder and Invention) to Activation (Discernment and Galvanizing) to Implementation (Enablement and Tenacity). Susan is a certified The Six Types of Working Genius Facilitator who has witnessed the model transform many teams.


As a certified executive and leadership coach Susan Drucker Hunsaker coaches business leaders to develop their organizations into thriving, sustainable practices. Whether it is in designing a leadership development program or engaging in an executive coaching engagement, Susan & her partners go deep to understand clients’ goals, strategies, and roadblocks. Then we collaborate with them to help them define and hone their leadership behaviors, communication and plot their future. Together, we map a blueprint that helps leaders and organizations execute strategies more effectively, engage people more deeply, and increase the fulfillment of work.


What people are saying

“Susan has been an amazing coach. Her sense checking was very intuitive, helping to really call out areas I had taken shortcuts or too many assumptions in my business plans. This helped me deepen my understanding and fill in the gaps that existed because of my prior lack of understanding. Many of these items I'd just put in the "too hard" basket which Susan helped to flesh out and develop simple, meaningful plans around. Susan has a really high level of empathy, and was able to put different customer / target market lenses on our pitch deck, which resulted in us developing one that resonated far better with our target audience. I highly recommend Susan's coaching capabilities.”

— Dave Rouse, CEO CarbonClick

“Thank you very much for your insightful coaching. The reframing we have done has already been of tremendous value. It has already helped me both to step around some of my self-imposed blockers and to recognize opportunities for adopting enabling behaviors. I look forward to seeing what more you will help me to achieve in the coming year!”

— Susanne Jul, PhD, Executive Director, Creative Crisis Leadership

“My weekly coaching sessions with Susan have given me the tools I need to tackle years-long bad habits and self-sabotage and completely revitalize my approach to running my business. Susan doesn't tell me what to do, rather, she listens carefully, asks me what I think, and offers keen insights and observations on how I can move forward; with her careful guidance I have become a more intentional, goal-oriented business owner.”

— Kristen Rudger, CEO & Principal Designer, Rudger Landscape Design

“Susan worked with my team using the Working Genius assessment to uncover the source of our internal communications issues. We discovered that while our natural styles overlap, the challenge was our individual styles for processing information and the level of detail required to get things done. The number one thing that we took away from our Working Genius workshop is that we must hold different levels of meetings that will be led by the person who operates best at that level of detail. It’s made a world of difference in team communications and making sure we are focused on the right level of detail in a meeting.”

— William Pitney, Financial Coach | Owner of FocusYOU

“Susan is simply incredible. She possesses the unique ability to quickly identify leadership opportunities for both an individual and an organization. Her greatest impact on me was the manner in which she helped me apply leadership principles in a tangible and impactful way. Susan quickly identifies important questions to ask, and is not afraid to ask the tough ones. Her extensive experience and expertise is immediately evident. I know she has helped to strengthen my leadership approach and the future of my organization. I truly came away from our time together a better person and I will always be grateful for that.”

— Ed Barberini, Chief of Police, San Mateo, CA

“Thank you for the really great {Working Genius} session you guided us through when we were out on our team retreat. We have used the concepts and ideas you provided to reorganize our internal staff meetings and use the language often to have clarity around the stage of our projects. It has really helped us to understand each other's strengths and when best to bring each person into the stages of the project.”

— Amy Mullen, President, Money Quotient

“One of the most important take-aways from my work with Susan has been my focus on energy management, rather than time management. Energy management is a game changer! Additionally, I have found clarity and have overcome some major challenges in my business by recognizing the opportunity with daily challenges and instead of seeing those challenges as fires, that I now see as golden opportunities. ”

— Shakira Niazi, Founder, Zen Basil

“Working with Susan was an astonishing experience. Our time together was mentally strenuous, invigorating, and ultimately revelatory. Thanks to Susan, I built a base from which I can continue to grow and improve.”

— Derrick Okubo, VP Operations | Strategy Workplace Communications


Intrigued? Have questions? Susan leads with generosity. She is more than happy to spend 30 minutes talking about your business needs!